Out of the Money Covered Calls for 09/16/2022 - 650 DTE

Below you find the list of out of the money covered calls for the given expiration date. Included are all otm covered call plays from our database that yield more than 1% until expiration.

Company Stock Strike Close Bid on Option Return of premium Return if called
NVIDIA Corporation NVDA 540,00 536,12 117,85 28,18 % 29,10 %
Facebook Inc FB 285,00 281,69 53,35 23,36 % 24,81 %
Apple Inc. AAPL 125,00 122,94 21,85 21,61 % 23,65 %
iShares MSCI Brazil Index (ETF) EWZ 36,00 35,49 5,60 18,74 % 20,44 %
Alphabet Inc GOOGL 1.840,00 1.823,22 280,00 18,14 % 19,23 %
Marathon Petroleum Corp MPC 42,50 41,01 5,90 16,80 % 21,05 %
iShares Expanded Tech-Software ETF IGV 335,00 334,65 47,70 16,62 % 16,75 %
Microsoft Corporation MSFT 220,00 214,27 30,00 16,28 % 19,39 %
Pfizer Inc. PFE 42,00 40,10 4,35 12,17 % 17,48 %
Oracle Corporation ORCL 60,00 59,28 6,25 11,79 % 13,14 %
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